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This week we will delve into the "People" aspect of our Sustainability Strategies model. Often referred to as "social," People aspects of Sustainability are a big part of the CSR effort to become an important part of a firm's Sustainability Efforts. We are going to approach the topic, after a brief introduction, from a completely different perspective, that of happiness. We will use various research findings, readings, a Case reading on Happiness, and a Case involving Zappos to help solidify your thinking and understanding in this interesting area.

Session 1. View video left


                 Read Link: Brambles Concept of “People”

                        Browse Link: SustainableBusiness Forum

                        Browse Link: Unilever’s People           

                        Browse Link: CSR International

                        Browse Link: Occupy Wall Street web site

                        Browse: R16-SAS CSR Report

                  Read: R17-The myth of the Sleeping Giant...

                  Skim: R18-The Link Between Job satisfaction and Firm Value, with   Implications for CSR

Key Learning Objectives:

o    What constitutes “People” vis-à-vis Sustainability

o    What are the trends in “People” aspects of Sustainability

o    Consider trends – Occupy Wall Street etc.

->Impact of Happiness on Sustainability Model

Session 2. View video Jenn Lim left


              Study Questions: 

0. Run the InterAct Exercise and be prepared to discuss Happiness.

1. Does Zappos effectively focus on stakeholder happiness, and how does this approach affect the ethical culture?
2. How does Zappos’ transparency influence relationships with customers and employees?
3. How has Zappos managed ethical risk, and what are potential ethical risks in the future?

4. Does the effort of a firm to operate in a sustainable manner result in happier stakeholders and thus higher profits? Requires out of the box ??

              Turn in:  Study Question (4)

Key Learning Objectives:

o    Incorporating Sustainability into participative strategy & decision making

o    How Zappos embedded Sustainability into their Strategy through Happiness

Happiness as a Business Model

Week Four - 11-9-13

The People Aspect

Sustainability is about people

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